Posts Tagged ‘Florentijn Hofman’

So the Weekly photo challenge is from above. Take an image of something from above and show it in a different light.

Some of you may be aware of the rubber ducky that is Hong Kong at the moment near the star ferry in TST. It is doing a world tour at the moment to promote peace and harmony and is the work of Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman.

Well being a typical Hong Konger I had to go along and see the rubber ducky and feel better about myself. off I went with some friends and we decided to take some pictures from the area that most people are trying to get them from, but then decided that we would get some pictures from the car park above Ocean Terminal. So below are the images I have taken from the original position. SAM_1535


The following is the image that I took from above in the Ocean Terminal building car park. In the image you can see all the people down below trying to get pictures of the duck, there is not a great deal of peace and harmony in the flailing elbows.


Whilst I was up here I also noticed the sunset over the new bridge that connects the down town area to the airport. SAM_1550

And the final image is for those who say that the duck is not taken from directly above. Enterprising individuals have started selling miniature ducks along the waterfront, I was given one of these by a friend. It is much easier to get an image of that from above.


I hope you all feel more at peace having seen the rubber ducky. Have a great weekend.